Loot Hunters 3 was a project to develop and deploy a Django Web API for serving room and world data to the front end side. I was personally involved in the delopment of the structure and development of the Django server and its PostgreSQL database. The main difficulties with this project was learning and working with Django as my team and I had only developed with Flask frameworks in the prior to this project. One of the major issues we ran into was iterating during the development process. Before we added some features, we would have to rework old ones to be compatible with the new ones. For example, when we first started working on the project, all the users would be in the same world at the same time. However, this would cause issues when the world would be reset. To solve this issue, we had to completely rework the world concept and convert it into an instance that could be stored in a PostgreSQL database. This same concept would have to be applied to some other concepts associated with the world’s data so as to be compatible with the new method of playing the game. Link to the finished project here.